Our sponsor this year is Jack Terry Sales & Lettings who has kindly advertised our fair to the local community and donated some wonderful prizes to our raffle. Thank you so much for sponsoring us Jack!
Shout Out
We would also like to say a massive thank you to the following businesses who kindly donated items to the PTA for the fair. Crossways Nursery in Purley who donated the x2 6ft Christmas Trees. Iceland in Selsdon who donated Mince Pies. Aladdins Cave in Selsdon for donating some Christmas Decorations.
Raffle Winners
For all you lucky winners, your prizes are now available for collection from the School Office. Please bring your winning raffle ticket(s) so the ladies in the office can match them to your prize.

Raffle Prizes to be Won
Our raffle is really good this year. Many thanks to all the businesses below who have kindly donated prizes. The raffle tickets have now been sent out with the children. There are extra tickets in the office if you would like any more. This is open to the school and local community.
The draw will take place on Friday 2nd Dec at 3:30pm and winners will be notified after. Tickets are £1 each and there are five tickets per book. Good luck!

Jack Terry Exp Uk https://jackterry.exp.uk.com
The Soapy Zebra www.thesoapyzebra.co.uk
Laser Quest Bromley www.laserquestbromley.com
Godstone Farm www.godstonefarm.co.uk
Bocketts Farm www.bockettsfarm.co.uk
Flip Out Croydon www.flipout.co.uk
Wakehurst www.kew.org/wakehurst
Westminster Cathedral www.westminstercathedral.org.uk
Tower Bridge www.towerbridge.org.uk
Cook www.cookfood.net
Knights Garden Centre www.knights-gardencentres.co.uk
Spaghetti Tree www.spaghettitree.co.uk/warlingham-branch
Capones Pizza Parlour www.caponespizzaparlour.co.uk
Gambado www.gambado.com
Headmasters. www.headmasters.com
The Beauty Parlour www.sanderstead-beauty-parlour.co.uk
Addington Palace Golf Club www.addingtonpalacegolf.co.uk
Shirley Park Golf Club www.shirleypark.co.uk
Croham Hurst Golf Club www.chgc.co.uk
The Rock Project www.therockproject.com
Cosmedics Skin Warlingham https://cosmedics-skin.com
Angela’s Swim School www.angelasswimschool.co.uk
Selsdon Nail Salon www.facebook.com/selsdonnail
Fireaway www.fireaway.co.uk
Barons Pub www.baronspubs.com
Lavender Blue Complementary Therapy www.lavenderbluecomplementarytherapy.co.uk
Lean Parent Coaching www.facebook.com/leanparentcoaching
Lovely Little Letterbox https://www.instagram.com/lovely_little_letterbox/
Stanley Arts London www.stanleyarts.org
The Arc www.thearccaterham.co.uk
SinFit www.sinfitfitness.co.uk
Shikatakai www.facebook.com/Shikatakai/
Fancy Dress Costumes London www.facebook.com/MegaStrojeUKforRent
Nonsense and Relish www.nonsenseandrelish.com/cronx-city
Rose & Fern www.facebook.com/roseandfernwaxcreations/
Marcus Barrett Photography www.facebook.com/marcusbarrettphotography/
Picture Partnership www.picturepartnership.co.uk
On your Game Physiotherapy https://onyourgame.wixsite.com/onyourgame
On your Game Laser Treatment Clinic Ltd https://onyourgame.wixsite.com/oyglaser
Focus Tutoring www.facebook.com/FocusTutoringSurrey/
S.A.S Academy https://sasacademy.co.uk
Bailey’s Bathtime www.facebook.com/baileysbathtime/
Party Paradise UK www.facebook.com/profile
Boom Arts Academy www.boomartsacademy.com
Sainsbury’s www.sainsburys.co.uk
Kingsmead Equestrian Centre www.kingsmeadhorses.co.uk
Mum Fit Wonder https://mumfitwonder.com